RDVIC Phone Directory

  1. Overview
  2. Contacts
  3. RDVIC Phone Directory
Position Employee (if avail.)
Main Office
Executive Director Alexia Jennings 103
Finance Manager Cory Neese 102
Secretary  Brenda Yerby 101
Victim Advocate Vacant 124
Prevention Education  Leann Williams 109
Legal Advocate  Vacant 117
SART Coordinator  Carl Phlegar 104
Main Office Lobby-Conference   114
Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator Amaya Williams 105
Case Manager  Vacant 108
Attic   120
Client Services Coordinator Andrea Winters 121
Garagetorium   113
Shelter Advocate-office Shelter Staff 201
Shelter Supervisor - Cottage Jenifer Bussey 202
Shelter Shelter Staff 203
Preston County
Victim Advocate -1 Shelly Moreland 400
Victim Advocate-2 (SART) Dan Grimm 401
Taylor County
Victim Advocate-TC DiAnna Hoag 302
DV Specialist* Vacant 301
Lobby*    303
SA Advocate   300

*DV Specialist in TC may be in the Lobby (303)

or the TC DHHR (304-265-6611x247)

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