1. Overview
  2. Grant Hub

Congress appropriates monies for these grants through the Violence Against Women Act.  These are competitive federal grants administered through the Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women and are funded on 3-year cycles. FRIS is a direct recipient of the grant from OVW and subcontracts with 5 of the rape crisis centers as pilot sites (CONTACT, Family Refuge Center, HOPE, The Counseling Connection, and RDVIC). Funds from the grants may not be used for prevention/awareness or services to children.  Each rape crisis center submits an application and detailed budget as part of the application process to FRIS.  Grant awards and contracts are sent to each agency.  State level project partners include DHHR, WVPAI, Fairness WV, NWVCIL and RCPI.

Purpose:  1. Improve services for and/or the response to victims of sex trafficking and other severe forms of trafficking in persons who have also experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking.

  1. Increase support for survivors of sexual assault, including services, law enforcement and prosecution.
  2. Meaningfully increase access to OVW programming for marginalized and/or underserved populations (based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, etc.).

Grant Year.  Grant year runs November 1 through October 31.

Reporting requirements.  Centers who are recipients of ICJR/Arrest funds from FRIS must submit monthly financial reports with appropriate supporting documentation, request for funds and narrative to the FRIS Arrest project coordinator by the 20th of the following month.  Payment is made on a reimbursement basis.  Once FRIS receives the funds, disbursements are made.


Grant Information

Grant Number:  A-20-005
Grant Timeline: October to September
Required Reports:

  1. JCS Timesheet (Monthly)
  2. Arrest Progress Report (Monthly)
  3. Staff Itinerary (Monthly)
  4. RDVIC Bi-Weekly Timesheet

Forms Link: Click Here to Access Arrest Forms


Grant Allowable Expenses

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