Congress appropriates monies for these grants through the Violence Against Women Act. It is a formula grant (i.e., Congress establishes the criteria for determining the amount allocated to each state based on population) and is administered by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice.  This is not a competitive grant to the state.   The federal funds are appropriated in West Virginia through Justice and Community Services (JCS) and may be used for administration and direct services to victims and secondary victims of sexual assault.  FRIS is the ‘pass-through” entity for WV’s funds. FRIS may use up to 5% of the total funds for administration costs and the remaining monies are for direct services provided by the rape crisis centers to victims and secondary victims of sexual assault.  Each rape crisis center submits an application for direct services and detailed budget as part of the application process to FRIS.  Grant awards and contracts are sent to each agency.  This extensive annual grant application is required by Justice and Community Services.

Purpose: The purpose of SASP is to provide intervention, advocacy, and accompaniment (e.g., court, medical facilities, police departments, etc.), support services, and related assistance to:

  1. Adult, youth, and child victims of sexual assault;
  2. Family and household members of such victims; and
  3. Those collaterally affected by the victimization (e.g., friends, coworkers, classmates), except for the perpetrator of such victimization.

Grant Year.  Grant year runs January 1 through December 31.

Reporting requirements.  All centers are recipients of state SASP funds from FRIS and must submit 2 copies of monthly financial reports with appropriate supporting documentation, a request for funds and monthly narrative to the FRIS SASP project coordinator by the 10th of the following month.  Those reports are then compiled into one monthly report and sent to JCS for review and reimbursement.  Payment is made on a reimbursement basis.  Once FRIS receives the funds from JCS, disbursements are made.  

Grant Information

Grant Number:  SASP-21-005
Grant Timeline: January to December
Required Reports:

  1. JCS Timesheet (Monthly)
  2. SASP Progress Report (Monthly)
  3. Staff Itinerary (Monthly)
  4. RDVIC Bi-Weekly Timesheet

Forms Link: Click Here to Access SASP Forms

Grant Allowable Expenses

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