In 2012, the West Virginia legislature created a budget line item for rape crisis services within the budget of the WV Department of Health and Human Resources. The amount of funding allocated is at the discretion of the legislature each year; since 2013-14 the amount of funds allocated has remained at $125,000. Funds can be used for intervention and/or prevention. In late spring, after the legislative session ends, FRIS submits one application to DHHR for the funds. Each rape crisis center then submits a budget, budget justification and statement of work (SOW) to FRIS. The SOW of each center must be based on the activities approved in FRIS’ approved grant with WVDHHR.
Purpose: State funds are utilized to fill gaps in services and prevention activities and provide operational support to both ensure ongoing services and help meet emerging needs. Funding will address the need for expanded services, prevention programs, protocols/policies to standardize responses, continued partnerships among allied professionals responding to abuse, and training of first responders to ensure responses are trauma-informed and victim-centered.
Grant Year. Grant year runs July 1 through June 30.
Reporting requirements. All centers are recipients of state funds and must submit monthly financial reports with appropriate supporting documentation, a request for funds and monthly narrative to the FRIS SASP project coordinator by the 15th of the following month. Payment is made on a reimbursement basis. Once FRIS receives the funds from WVDHHR, disbursements are made.
Grant Number: W-21-005
Grant Timeline: July to June
Required Reports:
- JCS Timesheet (Monthly)
- STATE Progress Report (Monthly)
- Staff Itinerary (Monthly)
- RDVIC Bi-Weekly Timesheet
Forms Link: Click Here to Access STATE Forms