Policy Overview

Section 1: Introduction

The purpose of these personnel policies is to provide a clear set of guidelines for daily agency activities and to establish employment procedures appropriate to Rape and Domestic Violence Information Center, lnc.'s (RDVIC) stated goals and mission. It applies to all paid personnel and who are paid by funding designated for the agency. It does not apply to personnel assigned to the agency by other agencies (i.e. West Virginia University.~ Career College, etc.) Copies of this policy, agency goals and mission statement, by-laws. organizational chart and the role of the board of directors will be distributed to all employees. These personnel policies are not intended to create. nor are they to be construed to constitute a contract between RDVIC and any or all of its employees.


Section 2: Equal Opportunity Statement

RDVIC shall not discriminate against employees. applicants for employment, or persons seeking our services because of sex, race, creed, color, national origin, religion, sexual identity. political ability, physical ability. marital status, physical impairment. socioeconomic status, or age.

Employment decisions are made based upon determination of merit. knowledge. skills, qualifications, competence, and a demonstration of attributes necessary for this specialized work. All aspects of our relationship, employment. promotion. training. compensation and all other conditions will be offered in a manner as to not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age. sex, disability or veteran status. Once a hiring decision has been made a reference and criminal background check will be done. In certain situations. employment offers may be extended pending completion of references.

Section 3: Hiring Procedures

3 .1 All hiring will be done in accordance with the RDVIC Equal Opportunity statement.


3 .2 Selection and hiring of new employees will be within the Director's discretion and done in accordance with requirements of applicable state and federal laws.


3.3 Applications for employment will be screened by the Director who will set up interviews with applicants possessing the requisite job skills for the open position.


3.4 Applicants will be interviewed by the Director. At the Director's discretion other staff members and volunteers may be involved in the interviewing process.


3.5 Final hiring is the Director's decision.


3.6 Only applicants who possess appropriate credentials and are either licensed or eligible for licensing will be considered for positions which include professional counseling or social work responsibilities/duties.


3. 7 The Director is responsible for final selection and approval of all candidates hired. The Director will advise a prospective employee of position, title, salary and eligibility for benefits. All new hires must successfully complete orientation and RDVlC Volunteer/Staff Training.


3.8 Final hiring is the Director's decision.

Section 4: Orientation and Staff Developmet

4.1 As soon as possible after an employee reports to work, the Director will brief the employee on the following:


• Mission and operation of RDVIC including the agency, shelter, outreach offices and community education;


• West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the Foundation for Rape Information & Services, their philosophies and overall objectives and RDVIC's participatory role in both organizations:


 • Specific duties and responsibilities of the employee:


• Three month probationary report;


• Personnel policies, including annual performance evaluations;


• Completion of necessary paper work;


• Appeal of decisions procedure:


• Confidentiality statement.


4.2 The agency desires continued professional development of staff. To this end, attendance at conferences. seminars, institutes, workshops•, courses related to work. etc, is encouraged whenever attendance is feasible. Attendance and possible financial assistance is at the discretion of the Director.


4.3 All staff members will be expected to attend staff meetings and staff training sessions, unless excused by the Director.


Section 5: Hours of Work, Attendance, and Punctuality

5.1 The normal workweek is Sunday 7AM through the following Sunday 7AM. 24 hours per day. Core working hours witl be Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with other hours assigned by the Executive Director (hereinafter referred to as Director). Because of the emergency nature of our work appropriate daily coverage wilt be arranged by the Director by staggering employees' hours of work. Full time employees work period with be 40 hours per work week. For the convenience of employees and subject to the needs of the Executive Director (hereinafter referred to as Director) to maintain full office hours and other management considerations, RDVIC will allow all employees -whether deemed "exempt" or "nonexempt" as those terms are defined in the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - to plan adjustable work hour schedules with the approval of the Director.


5.2 Staff work schedules will be arranged at regular staff meetings and wilt be posted on a master office calendar. Any work that is outside of regular business hours, 9 am-5 PM Monday - Friday.


5.3 Each employee will complete a time sheet every 14-calendar day and are due to the Director at the end of each pay period.


5.4 Alternate work locations may be arranged with the Director's approval.


5.5 The wages and salaries of all permanent employees are computed on an annual basis and divided into twenty-six (26) pay periods for payroll purposes. Therefore, employees are paid by check every 14 calendar days.


5.6 Attendance and Punctuality: Attendance is a key factor in your job performance. Punctuality and regular attendance are expected of all employees. lf an employee is going to be absent for any reason or plan to arrive late. he/she must report that absence within first 15 minutes of the scheduled start time to your supervisor via the main office phone. Failure to report. other than in an emergency situation may result disciplinary action.


5. 7 For all absences extending longer than one day, you must telephone your immediate supervisor prior to the start of each scheduled workday. When reporting an absence, you should indicate the nature of the problem causing your absence and your expected return-to-work date. A physician's statement may be required as proof of the need for any illness-related absence regardless of the length of the absence.


5.8 Excessive absences, tardiness or leaving early will be grounds for discipline up to and including termination. Depending on the circumstances, including the employee's length of employment, RDVIC may counsel employees prior to termination for excessive absences. tardiness or leaving early.

Section 6: Adjustable Time Management

The official time that RDVlC shall be open for business is from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, with holidays and other days as designated in the personnel policy. The official work week is forty hours.


6.1 A policy of adjustable time management allows staff limited exceptions to the standardized workweek. Staff may adjust their work schedules to arrive early and leave early. or to arrive late and leave late. "Exempt .. employees may adjust their work hours to provide for longer workdays, with occasional partial or whole days off.


6.2 The following general principles apply to adjustable scheduling:


• The workweek is a period of forty hours for all full-time employees.


• The work/pay period for time calculations of "exempt" employees shall be the two weeks that correspond with the payroll schedule.


• The workday is eight hours.


• Workday planning shall be done in increments no smaller than one-half hour.


• No employee may work more than ten hours per workday except when necessitated by travel or otherwise required and approved in advance by the Director.


• Employees with adjustable schedules that deviate three hours from the regularly scheduled daily office hours must receive prior approval from the Director.


• Hours earned are hours worked beyond the standard eight hours worked. or additional hours earned beyond the ordinary workweek or pay period.


• Adjustable hours must be used within the week.


• Hours earned which are not "taken" or used during the work/pay period, shall be lost, and the staff shall not receive any further compensation or consideration for them. Upon termination of employment with RDVIC. accrued adjustable hours (if any) on the record as of date of termination shall not be compensated in wages or earnings.


• Adjustable schedules may not be forced upon any staff.


• In no event may any "non-exempt" employee work in excess of forty hours in any workweek.


6.3 Adjustable scheduling is permitted for the convenience of the employee. It is not a right or term of employment, and the Director reserves the right to require any employee to work the standard office workweek. The right to accrue or use adjustable time may be terminated by the Director at any time subject to an employee's ability to utilize accrued adjustable time within the time period contemplated by this policy.


6.4 When any employee provides service on behalf of RDVIC. any resultant donation or honorarium is to be returned to the organization. Payment for speaking and training activities may qe made directly to the employee provided that the employee conducts such activities on his/her own time and without cost to RDVIC.


6.5 Work from Home: Depending upon the nature of the position and the existence of a measurable work product, an occasional day at home to work can be helpful and can be granted with the prior approval of the employee's supervisor. All employees working from home for any amount of time must gain pre-approval from the supervisor.


We advise employees to consider these elements before asking to work from home:

• Is the employee eligible by nature of their job?

• Are there any cybersecurity and data privacy concerns?

• Will collaboration with the employee's team become difficult?

• Do employees have the necessary equipment or software installed at home?

• What are the conditions of employees' home or alternative place of work {noise, internet connection etc.)




When employees plan to work from home, this procedure must be followed:

• Employees file a request through APF at least two days in advance

• Their supervisor must approve their request considering all elements mentioned above.


All the requirements noted in the personnel policies Adjustable Time Management section apply for work at home requests.

Section 7: Smoking

In order to comply with applicable health codes and to offer a smoke-free environment RDVlC prohibits smoking inside all agency office locations and the shelter. Designated smoking areas are outside and smokers are responsible for keeping the area clean and free of smoking debris. This policy applies to employees, visitors and clients.

Section 8: Drug-Free Workplace

All RDVIC employees are prohibited from unlawfully using, possessing. manufacturing. distributing, or dispensing illegal or non-prescribed, substances or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages at any time on agency premises or while on agency business. Any staff member violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary procedures up to and including dismissal for the first offense.


Controlled substances include, but are not limited to:

• Narcotics (heroin, morphine, etc.)

• Cannabis (marijuana, hashish)

• Stimulants (cocaine, non-prescribed diet pills; etc)

• Depressants (tranquilizers/non-prescribed)

• Hallucinogens {PCP, LSD, "designer drugs," etc.)

Section 9: Personnel Committee

9.1 The committee shall be composed of at least four board members.


9.2 The committee will evaluate the Director at the end of each fiscal year.


9.3 The committee may be consulted at the Director's discretion regarding retention or dismissal of employees.


9.4 The committee will respond to and attempt to resolve employee grievances. (See Article IX. Grievance Procedure)

Section 10: Job Descriptions

10.1 Each new employee will be provided with a written job description at the time of employment.


10.2 Job descriptions may be changed only after consultation and review by the staff member and the Director. Any alteration must have the executive director's approval.


10.3 If the position is vacant the job description may be changed by the Director.

Section 11: Evaluation

11.1 The Director will complete a written evaluation on a new employee no later than three months after the employee start date. A second evaluation will be done no later than six months after the employee's start date, during which time goals will be established for consideration as part of the one year evaluation. One year from the date of employment and every year thereafter the employee will be evaluated on the anniversary of the employee's hire date.


11.2 The purpose of the evaluation will be to assess the personal strengths and weaknesses of staff members and to outline a guide for improvement.


11.3 The completed evaluation will be reviewed by the staff member who will be given the opportunity to agree or disagree in writing with the evaluation. All evaluations will be signed by the evaluator and employee. A copy of the evaluation will be provided to the employee.


11.4 Volunteer personnel evaluations will be conducted by the staff members designated by the Director.


11.5 New employees will serve a 90 calendar-day probationary period. The probationary period may, at th~ Director's discretion, be extended up to 180 days .. During this time, the employee will meet with the Executive Director or supervisor for suggestions for improvements.


11.6 Final responsibility for termination of an employee rests with the Director. Every effort, including a written guide for improvement, will be made to resolve problems with the new employee and to make retention possible.


11. 7 The personnel committee will complete a written evaluation of the Director at three months, six months, and one year from the date of employment and every year thereafter at the end of the fiscal year.


Section 12: Disciplinary Action

12.1 When the conduct of an employee interferes with the orderly operation of the agency, the Director shall have the right to discipline the employee in any of the following manners depending upon the severity of the conduct:

a. A written warning, reviewed with the staff member shall be inserted in the employee's personnel file; or

b. One day through two week suspension without pay; or

c. Dismissal.

12.2 Disciplinary actions will only be taken for just cause. Any employee who believes he/she has been unjustly disciplined must use the grievance procedure to present his/her case.

Just causes for disciplinary action shall include, but not be limited to. the following:

Refusal to comply with RDVIC policies.

Failure to perform duties and responsibilities as


• Continued absences from work without approval.

Failure to maintain performance standards.

• Unprofessional or inappropriate conduct.

• Failure to maintain individual. client and/or agency confidentiality.

Misuse of agency funds or equipment.

Falsification of agency or personnel records.

Misuse of authority.

12.3 The Director serves at ' 'will and pleasure" of the majority of the board members. Should an incident arise that subsequently requires dismissal, more than half of the full board must vote for removal of the Director. The Director has the right to discuss the issue with the board for which action is being taken prior to a vote for termination: Notices of a meeting for this purpose will be in writing to the board members and by certified return receipt mail.

Section 13: Grievance Procedure

RDVIC recognizes the right of each staff member to express complaints and to seek a solution to each disagreement. If any employee is dissatisfied by management actions complaints may be processed in the following manner:


Step 1. The grievant shall promptly discuss the complaint with his or her supervisor. {Usually this will be the Director or an assigned supervisor.)


Step 2. If such discussion does not satisfy the complaint, the grievant may submit no later than within five business days a written statement to the Director. The Director must respond in writing to the grievant within five business days.


Step 3. 1f the Director's written response is deemed unsatisfactory by the grievant the grievant may submit no later than five days from the receipt of the Director· s written response. a written statement which includes the complaint and the points which are unacceptable as provided by the Director to the personnel committee. The personnel committee will hold a hearing to hear the complaint and allow both parties to present their concerns and issues. The personnel committee must respond in writing to the grievant within five business days. Step


4. If such discussion does not settle the complaint. the grievant shall then present the original statement of the problem in writing to the board of directors. The board of directors may, at their discretion. conduct an investigation of the complaint in order to be aware of all the facts before making a decision. The decision of the board shall be final and binding on both parties. Written notification of their decision will be furnished within ten business days.

Section 14: Sexual Harassment

14.1 RDVIC will not tolerate sexual harassment of its staff or clients. This means that the following behaviors are grounds for disciplinary action, including termination:

• unwelcome sexual advances • requests for sexual acts or favors

• insulting or degrading sexual remarks or conduct directed against another staff

• threats. demands or suggestions that a staff member's work is contingent upon toleration of or acquiescence to sexual advances

• any other unwelcome statements or actions based on sex that are sufficiently severe or pervasive so as to unreasonably interfere with an individual's work performance, or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.


14.2 Any person who has a complaint of sexual harassment against a co-worker. a vendor or a person we serve should bring the problems to the attention of the Director or Board of Directors.


14.3 Complaints of sexual harassment will be investigated by the Director or the Personnel Committee as promptly as possible. The allegations of the complaint and the identity of the persons involved shall remain confidential in order to conduct a full and impartial investigation, remedy violations. monitor compliance and administer the policy. If the complaint is against the Director. the Personnel Committee will investigate and respond. ·


14.4 The investigation will include. but will not be limited to, discussion with both parties and witnesses. Where appropriate, a report shall be forwarded to the Personnel Committee with recommendations concerning remedial action, if necessary. The Personnel Committee wilt review the recommendation. determine the corrective action, if any, and notify the Board of Directors for a final decision.

Section 15: Discrimination

15.1 RDVIC is committed to values and policies that enhance respect for individuals and their cultures. The policy of this organization is that no person shall be discriminated against for reasons of race, age, color, sex, national origin, sexual identity, political ability, physical ability, marital status, physical impairment, and socioeconomic status. RDVlC is committed to addressing discrimination complaints promptly, consistently and fairly. Retaliation against any employee who has made a complaint of discrimination is prohibited.


15.2 Discrimination is defined as:


a. Treating staff members less favorably because of their membership in any of the aforementioned classes.


b. Harassing behaviors such as: oral, written, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual's race, color, or national origin (including an individual's ancestry, country of origin. or country of origin of the individual's parents or other family member) or other protected characteristic that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent so as to interfere with or limit the ability of an individual to work for. participate in or benefit from the organization's program and activities.


15.3 Any person employed by RDVlC may file a complaint of discrimination. RDVlC places a strong emphasis on prompt action to resolve complaints alleging discrimination. Employees who believe they have been discriminated against or harassed are strongly encouraged to report allegations to the Director or Personnel Committee Chair. Complaints of discrimination will be investigated by the Director or the Personnel Committee as promptly as possible. The allegations of the complaint and the identity of the persons involved shall remain confidential in order to conduct a full and impartial investigation, remedy violations, monitor compliance and administer the policy.


The investigation will include, but will not be limited to, discussion with both parties and witnesses. Where appropriate, a report shall be forwarded to the Personnel Committee with recommendations concerning remedial action, if necessary. The Personnel Committee will review the recommendation. determine the corrective action, if any, and notify the Board of Directors for a final decision.


Please Note: Employees may also file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights.


To file a civil rights complaint, complete the Complaint Verification Form (CVF) and the Identity Release Statement {IRS) and return both forms to the OCR at the following address:


Office for Civil Rights

Office of Justice Programs

U.S. Department of Justice

810 7th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20531




If you believe that you have been the target of discrimination, you should file a complaint with the OCR as soon as possible. In most circumstances, you may have no longer than one year from the date of the discriminatory incident to file a complaint.

Section 16: Employee Protection (Whitleblower Policy)

Every employee shall read, sign and date a copy of the following policy which will be kept in the employee's personnel file:

If any employee reasonably believes that some policy, practice, or activity of RDVIC is in violation of law, a written complaint must be filed by that employee with the Executive Director or the Board President.


It is the intent of RDVIC to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the organization and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the organization's goal of legal compliance. The support of all employees is necessary to achieving compliance with various laws and regulations. An employee is protected from retaliation only if the employee brings the alleged unlawful activity, policy, or practice to the attention of RDVIC and provides RDVIC with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity. The protection described below is only available to employees who comply with this requirement.


RDVIC will not retaliate against an employee who in good faith, has made a protest or raised a complaint against some practice of RDVIC, or of another individual or entity with whom RDVIC has a business relationship, on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is in violation of law, or a dear mandate of public policy.


RDVIC will not retaliate against employees who disclose or threaten to disclose to a supervisor a public body, any activity. policy or practice of RDVIC that the employee reasonably believes is in violation of a law, or a rule, or regulation mandated pursuant to law. or is in violation of a clear mandate of public policy concerning the health, safety, welfare, or protection of the environment.

Section 17: Code of Ethics

Every employee shall read, sign and abide by the following statement and a copy shall be kept in the employee· s personnel file:


By signing a copy of this Code of Ethics, I as staff of RDVIC affirm that:


• I will not discriminate against or refuse services to anyone on the basis of race, color, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability or nationality.


• I will not use my professional relationship to further my own interests.


• l will evidence a genuine interest in al! persons served. and do hereby dedicate myself to their best interests and to helping them help themselves.


• I will respect the privacy of persons served and hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of professional service.


• I will maintain a professional attitude which upholds confidentiality toward individuals served, colleagues, applicants and RDVIC.


• I. upon termination, will maintain client and staff confidentiality. and I will hold as confidential any information I obtained concerning individual victims of domestic or sexual violence.


• I will respect the rights and views of my co-workers and treat them with fairness. courtesy, respect and good faith.


• I will not engage in or condone any form of harassment or discrimination.


• I will respect the confidences of my co-workers.


• I will abide by RDVIC policies related to public statements.


• I will act in accordance with standards of professional integrity.


• I will not advise on problems outside the bounds of my competence.



Section 18: Domestic Violence in the Workplace

RDVIC recognizes that anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, regardless of age, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, education, sexual or religious orientation. Likewise. anyone can be a perpetrator. RDVIC's goals include helping victims achieve safety and holding perpetrators accountable. RDVIC maintains the following policies for its employees who are experiencing domestic violence:


18.1 Any employee who discloses to the Director, any staff or board member of RDVIC that she/he is a victim of domestic violence can expect confidentiality to be respected. unless confidentiality places others in the workplace at risk.


18.2 Employees who are victims of domestic violence may use earned paid leave time (personal days. sick time, and vacation time) to handle domestic violence related concerns. This includes but is not limited to: court appearances and other legal matters. relocation tasks, support group/counseling, health care, or child/dependent-related safety needs. Use of paid leave time must be requested and approved in accordance with these personnel policies. Unpaid leave is available at the discretion of the Director.


18.3 Employees- should report concerns about their personal safety to the Director and can expect that RDVIC will accommodate the employee's safety concerns as determined on an individual basis with the Director. Options may include flexible work hours, temporary relief from duties that enhance danger, payroll flexibility, etc. Employees can expect, also expect to receive referrals to other direct service providers to address emotional and physical safety needs.


18.4 Job-related adaptations by other employees of RDVIC to the safety needs of a colleague (e.g., trading of duties, or re-scheduling) shall be determined and approved by the Director.


18.5 RDVIC respects the rights of victims of domestic violence to self-determination, and shall not, under any circumstances, require specific domestic violence interventions on the part of the victim as a condition of employment. RDVIC shall, however, reserve the right to employ whatever means available to create a workplace for the employee/victim and others that is free from harassment and interference. Under no circumstances may RDVIC time or resources be used to perpetrate an act of domestic abuse. Such an act may be grounds for immediate dismissal.


18.6 Being a victim of domestic violence does not exempt an employee from standard employee performance expectations nor from disciplinary procedures.


18.7 Employees who believe their safety needs are not being adequately or fairly addressed can use the grievance procedure outlined in the personnel policy.

Section 19: Government and Political Activity

RDVIC encourages staff to take an active interest in government and to participate in political affairs. All staff have the right to express their opinions on political issues and candidates. and are also encouraged to exercise these rights.


However, such staff activity is subject to these conditions:


• Non-partisan position of RDVIC--No action will be allowed by any person that infringes upon the right of any staff to decide which candidates or positions to support. RDVIC will not endorse or contribute to any political candidate, party or cause.


• Individual actions--Staff is not allowed to give the impression that any political action or position represents RDVIC unless that position is approved by the Board of Directors.


• Staff is not allowed directly or indirectly to coerce, attempt to coerce, command or advise any other staff member to pay, tend or contribute anything of value to a party, committee, organization, agency or person for political purpose.


• Staff who wish to seek elective office should inform the Board of Directors. Subject to the requirements of the law, RDVIC may grant unpaid leave to staff who are seeking elective office for the purposes of campaigning for and fulfilling their responsibilities of office. If elected, staff who are granted leave under this policy must comply with RDVIC's policy for unpaid leave.

Section 20: Electronic Communications

20.1 RDVIC provides quality resources in the area of electronic communications. Staff has access to telephone, facsimile equipment, computers, and. the Internet.


20.2 Telephones are used for inter and interoffice communication, contact with outside agencies, emergency situations. and other contacts as needed by work demands. Contact with family/friends may occur as needed. Personal calls requiring long distance charges exceeding one dollar are reimbursable to RDVIC through the Administrative Assistant.


20.3 The fax machine and computers belong to RDVIC and require maintenance and care. Each staff person is responsible for an assigned computer; outreach office staff will share responsibility for the office equipment at their locations; the Secretary will be responsible for the fax machine in the central office.


20.4 Each staff person has access to the Internet and her/his personal e-mail box. Use of electronic communication is encouraged. Staff members are required to focus their use of these communication methods to areas. issues. and persons important to their work. The Director has the right to access staff computers and e-mail at any time.


20.5 Computer software is licensed to RDVIC.


20.6 RDVIC has a significant investment in the acquisition of computers and other equipment. which may be utilized at work sites, for home use. and travel with prior approval. RDVIC retains the right to monitor its phone system, network and computers. Information stored in or on company equipment is subject to inspection at any time without notice. No games are to be downloaded on work computers. All e-mail is subject to review by management. An employee's use of the e-mail system grants consent to the review of any messages to or from the employee in the system, in printed form. or any other medium. All passwords and access codes must be given to the Director and must be kept on file.


20.7 Staff are prohibited from electronically viewing, downloading and exchanging pornography.

Section 21: Vehicle Safety

21.1 RDVIC is committed to instituting and maintaining a Vehicle Safety program. The goal of the program is the prevention of the loss of life, injury, and property damage to all employees, clients. volunteers and members of the general public. This applies to all RDVIC staff while on duty. A complete copy of the Safety Program is maintained by the Director.


21.2 Employees who drive or operate vehicles are responsible for following all of the guidelines set forth in the Vehicle Safety Program. These responsibilities include:


• Maintaining and possessing a current driver's license.

• Operating vehicles in a safe manner.

• Maintaining valid vehicle registration, insurance. and inspection.


21.3 All employees are required, as part of their normal job duties, to use their personal vehicles to conduct RDVIC business. The employee's own insurance policy is the primary coverage _and, therefore, RDVIC will not be responsible for any claims that arise out of any motor vehicle accident that the employee is involved in while operating his/her personal vehicle. The mileage reimbursement the employee receives is intended to fully cover all costs of the operation of the employee's personal vehicle including but not limited to fuel, maintenance, repairs and insurance.


21.4 Motor Vehicle Texting and Email Safety Policy When driving on RDVIC business, employees may not read or respond to text messages and emails. These restrictions do not apply to texts or emails made to report an emergency. In all such cases, all cautionary measures should be practiced.

Section 22: Resignation

22.1 Employees shall give written notice of resignation to the Director which shall include the effective date of resignation. Employees are requested to include reasons for leaving employment with RDVIC.


22.2 Employees are requested to give a minimum of two weeks prior to their departure date.

Section 23: Special Condition of Termination (Voluntary or Involuntary)

Any agency property entrusted to an employee must be returned prior to the last day of work.

Section 24: Benefits

24.1 Benefits for employees will be determined by available funds and the approval of the board of directors.


24.2 The board of directors. officers. staff. and volunteers shall receive professional liability insurance.


24.3 The following positions will be bonded at the agency's expense: Director, the staff member responsible for bookkeeping and treasurer.

Section 25: Leave Benefits and Other Work Policies

25.1 HOLIDAYS: Full-time employees are eligible for 7 paid holidays per year as follows:

New Year's Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Thanksgiving Day

Day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day


25.2 The office will be closed in observance of the above-mentioned holidays.


 25.3 Certain positions must work on the holidays. For positions requiring holiday hours. (e.g., shelter staff) an alternate day can be taken. The alternate day off shall be an eight (8) hour day. The employee shall arrange and obtain written approval for the alternate day off in advance with the director so that service to clients is not interrupted.


25.4 If a holiday falls on Saturday. it will be observed on the preceding Friday. If a holiday falls on a Sunday. it will be observed on the following Monday.


25.5 Certain holidays may be staggered if deemed necessary. Religious holidays for individual employees may be approved by the Director upon request and will not exceed holiday entitlement under present policy.


25.6 Personal Days: RDVIC provides six (6) paid personal days per fiscal year to each employee who have completed three months of employment. A personal day may be taken any time during the fiscal year. Personal leave benefits are prorated accordingly for part-time employees. The use of a personal day must be approved in advance by the Director rand must be requested in hourly increments. Personal days must be taken within a fiscal year and may not be carried forward from one year to the next. No personal leave benefits are paid upon separation from employment with RDVIC for any reason.

Section 26: Vacation

26.1 New employees must be employed by the agency three months before accruing vacation.


26.2 Employees shall accrue paid vacation time at the following rates:


• One day for every month of full time employment for a total of 13 days per year. {This is based on 26 pay periods a year 26x4=104.00 divided by 8 hours =13 days.) 4 hours per pay period is accrued.


• From the beginning of the employee's fifth year of employment through the tenth year of full time employment. employees will accrue one and one-half days every month for a total of 18 days per year. (This is based on 26 pay periods a year 26x5.50=143.00 divided by 8 hours =18 days.) 5.5 hours per pay period is accrued.


• With the beginning of the employee's eleventh year of employment the employee will accrue two days every month for a total of 24 days per year. (This is based on 26 pay periods a year 26 x 7.50=195.00 divided by 8 hours=24 days) 7.5 hours per pay period is accrued.


• Half-time employees will accrue vacation time at one-half the rate of full-time employees. 26.3 All time off and vacation requests require Director approval. 26.4 Vacation is not to be prorated and must not be taken in less than one day increments. 26.5 Vacation days, not to exceed 40 hours maximum, may be carried forward from one anniversary year to the next. Effective January 1, 2013, vacation days may not be carried forward from one anniversary year to the next. For any unused vacation days accrued in the 2012 calendar year, those vacation days may be carried forward into 2013 but must be used and may not be carried over into calendar year 2014. Thus, any unused vacation days accrued in the 2012 calendar year that have not been used on or before December 31, 2013 will be forfeited in accordance with the new policy.


OR: If an employee's services are terminated for any reason including voluntary resignation, s/he shall not be paid for more than 30 days (240 hours) of accumulated annual leave.


26.6 Employees are expected to use Vacation benefits in the fiscal year in which Vacation is earned. Employees may carry over unused Vacation from one year to the next. Employees may not accrue more than the maximum leave they are allowed. Once an employee reaches his or her annual ceiling. the employee ceases to accrue any additional Vacation benefits.


26.7 Employees may not elect to be paid in lieu of using vacation time.


26.8 Vacation time off must be scheduled in advance and approved by the Director or the employee's supervisor.


26.9 Staff members who have accumulated vacation time when employment is terminated shall receive vacation pay with their last regular paychecks in accordance with Section 26.5.


26.10 In the event of the death of an employee who has not used all earned vacation, payment for the unused portion will be paid to the employees' estate in accordance with Section 26.5.

Section 27: Sick Leave

27.1 Full time employees shall earn five days (40 hours) of paid sick leave (i.e. annual sick leave) every six months of employment.


27.2 No sick leave shall be earned by a new employee until completion of three months of employment.


27.3 Sick leave may be taken only when health related.


27.4 Major medical sick leave may be carried forward to each fiscal year up to a maximum of 40 days (320 hours). This accrued sick leave is to be kept separate from the annual sick leave and is to be used for major medical problems or parental leave.


27.5 Proof of major medical illness by the attending physician is required before accrued sick leave may be used.


27.6 Extended sick leave without pay may be granted if an employee exceeds his/her earned sick leave due to major illness or accident. Such requests will be granted only by the Director.


27.7 Sick leave accrual to regular full-time employees shall be permitted to accrue to half-time employees at half the regular rate.

Section 28: Vacation and Sick Leave Donation

Employees may choose to transfer sick or vacation leave into a leave bank for other staff members that do not have sufficient leave accrued to receive pay during an extended absence.


28.1 Employees may donate up to 40 hours of vacation or sick leave earned in a fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).


28.2 Employees with fewer than 15 days of sick leave may not transfer sick leave to the leave bank. Empoyees with fewer than 15 days of vacation leave may not transfer vacation leave to the leave bank.


28.3 Employees may not transfer personal or holiday leave to the leave bank.


28.4 Employees wishing to donate vacation or sick leave shall do so in writing on an APF. (All Purpose Form)


28.5 Employees are eligible to receive donations of vacation and/or sick leave if they:

• Have a serious illness, injury or family emergency, and have exhausted paid leave:

• Have approval for the donated leave from the Director: and

• Are ineligible for Worker's Compensation.


28.6 Employees may receive a total of 160 hours of donated leave in a 12-month period.


28.7 Once leave of an employee has been transferred to the leave bank, it may not be restored or returned to the leave donor.


28.8 Criteria for Requesting Leave - The requesting employee must be eligible to accrue sick or vacation leave to qualify as a recipient of the leave bank and seek approval in writing from the Director to utilize the leave.

Section 29: Bereavement

29.1 Up to three days of paid leave will be granted by the Director to employees for a death in their immediate families. immediate family includes spouse, parents, spouse· s parents, siblings. children, grandparents. and spouse's grandparents.


29.2 Additional leave without pay may be granted at the Director's discretion.

Section 30: Jury Duty

30.1 Employees will be paid for days while serving on a jury. If struck from jury the employee is expected to return to work.


30.2 It is the responsibility of the employee to report payment received for jury duty by the court as income on tax returns.

Section 31: Parental Leave

31.1 Time off for the birth or adoption of children shall consist of accrued sick leave, vacation, and compensatory time. Unpaid extensions may be granted by the Director.


31.2 Parental leave will be requested in writing to the Director and shall include the expected date of return. Parental leave can be granted to male as well as female _ employees.


31.3 A parent may bring his/her child to work provided that doing so does not interfere with job performance and that there are adequate accommodations available for the infant.

Section 32: Overtime

Staff members cannot be paid overtime without prior approval of the Director. Efforts will be made whenever possible to adjust individual schedules to take into account t1me spent in addition to regular working hours. (See section 6 regarding flexible scheduling.

Section 33: Petty Cash

Petty cash procedures will be established by the Director and will be set in accordance with funding source regulations.

Section 34: Travel Reimbursement

34.1 Travel to and from an employees assigned office is the responsibility of the individual employee.


Travel will not be reimbursed when an employee is reporting to the Central office for staff meetings but can be reimbursed for the return trip to the employee's assigned outreach office. When working in the Central office for the entire day. an employee cannot be reimbursed for mileage as that is the primary workplace for the day. Likewise, when reporting to an all--day training in RDVIC's service area, the training site is the primary workplace and mileage cannot be reimbursed.


34.2 Employees wilt be reimbursed at the prevailing rate for work-related travel expenses established by the State of West Virginia.


34.3 Mileage vouchers must be completed by employees claiming travel reimbursement.


34.4 Any additional travel expenses must be discussed with the Director and have prior approval by the Director before payment will be made.


34.5 Staff traveling outside their designated area on agency business must receive prior approval from the Director.

Section 35: Part-time/Half-time Employees

35.1 Half-time employees hours shall be prorated on the basis of regular office hours. Allotment of time on a weekly or monthly basis shall be arranged in consultation with the Director.


35.2 Sick leave and vacation time will be accrued at half the rate for full time employees.


35.3 The agency does not provide benefits to individuals working less than half time. Benefits include holidays, vacation. sick leave and health insurance.

Section 36: Review of Personnel Policies

These personnel policies shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors annually and will remain in effect until revisions, additions or new policies are made.

Addendum to the Personnel Policy


Revised 09/12/2018 


Equal Opportunity Statement

The policy of this organization is that no person shall be denied employment or discriminated against for reasons or perceived reasons of race, age, color, sex, national origin, gender identity, political affiliation, physical ability, marital status, physical impairment, criminal history, religion, or socioeconomic status. The policy of RDVIC adheres fully to the intent, letter, and spirit of executive orders, public laws, and regulations. Equal opportunity policies apply to and must be an integral part of every aspect of practice in the employment, development, advancement, and treatment of employees of the agency. The agency will also actively comply with federal, state, and local laws and regulations to maximize equal employment opportunities. RDVIC employment policies shall be based upon the principles of education, experience, and ability. 


Human Trafficking

RDVIC strictly prohibits employees from engaging in human trafficking-related activities. These activities include facilitating sex trafficking, using force, fraud, or coercion to subject a person to involuntary servitude, or obtaining labor from a person by threats of serious harm to that person or another person.  Any person found to have trafficked will be terminated and victim(s) of such trafficking shall be referred to appropriate services. 


Dress Code

RDVIC employees are to report to work dressed neatly and appropriately. Casual dress is allowed at the RDVIC Office during regular office hours. During conferences and formal meetings, employee will be expected to dress professionally. 


Employee Development

Each employee of RDVIC will be encouraged and assisted to further her/his personal professional development through academic study, workshop, conferences, seminars, etc. Training experiences will be approved by the Executive Director if within the budget and when such plans are complimentary to RDVIC’s purpose and are related to improving employee skills relevant to employment.


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