Section 11: Evaluation

  1. Overview
  2. Policy and Procedures
  3. Section 11: Evaluation

11.1 The Director will complete a written evaluation on a new employee no later than three months after the employee start date. A second evaluation will be done no later than six months after the employee's start date, during which time goals will be established for consideration as part of the one year evaluation. One year from the date of employment and every year thereafter the employee will be evaluated on the anniversary of the employee's hire date.

11.2 The purpose of the evaluation will be to assess the personal strengths and weaknesses of staff members and to outline a guide for improvement.

11.3 The completed evaluation will be reviewed by the staff member who will be given the opportunity to agree or disagree in writing with the evaluation. All evaluations will be signed by the evaluator and employee. A copy of the evaluation will be provided to the employee.

11.4 Volunteer personnel evaluations will be conducted by the staff members designated by the Director.

11.5 New employees will serve a 90 calendar-day probationary period. The probationary period may, at th~ Director's discretion, be extended up to 180 days .. During this time, the employee will meet with the Executive Director or supervisor for suggestions for improvements.

11.6 Final responsibility for termination of an employee rests with the Director. Every effort, including a written guide for improvement, will be made to resolve problems with the new employee and to make retention possible.

11. 7 The personnel committee will complete a written evaluation of the Director at three months, six months, and one year from the date of employment and every year thereafter at the end of the fiscal year. 

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