Section 20: Electronic Communications

  1. Overview
  2. Policy and Procedures
  3. Section 20: Electronic Communications

20.1 RDVIC provides quality resources in the area of electronic communications. Staff has access to telephone, facsimile equipment, computers, and. the Internet.

20.2 Telephones are used for inter and interoffice communication, contact with outside agencies, emergency situations. and other contacts as needed by work demands. Contact with family/friends may occur as needed. Personal calls requiring long distance charges exceeding one dollar are reimbursable to RDVIC through the Administrative Assistant.

20.3 The fax machine and computers belong to RDVIC and require maintenance and care. Each staff person is responsible for an assigned computer; outreach office staff will share responsibility for the office equipment at their locations; the Secretary will be responsible for the fax machine in the central office.

20.4 Each staff person has access to the Internet and her/his personal e-mail box. Use of electronic communication is encouraged. Staff members are required to focus their use of these communication methods to areas. issues. and persons important to their work. The Director has the right to access staff computers and e-mail at any time.

20.5 Computer software is licensed to RDVIC.

20.6 RDVIC has a significant investment in the acquisition of computers and other equipment. which may be utilized at work sites, for home use. and travel with prior approval. RDVIC retains the right to monitor its phone system, network and computers. Information stored in or on company equipment is subject to inspection at any time without notice. No games are to be downloaded on work computers. All e-mail is subject to review by management. An employee's use of the e-mail system grants consent to the review of any messages to or from the employee in the system, in printed form. or any other medium. All passwords and access codes must be given to the Director and must be kept on file.

20.7 Staff are prohibited from electronically viewing, downloading and exchanging pornography. 

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