Section 28: Vacation and Sick Leave Donation

  1. Overview
  2. Policy and Procedures
  3. Section 28: Vacation and Sick Leave Donation

Employees may choose to transfer sick or vacation leave into a leave bank for other staff members that do not have sufficient leave accrued to receive pay during an extended absence.

28.1 Employees may donate up to 40 hours of vacation or sick leave earned in a fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).

28.2 Employees with fewer than 15 days of sick leave may not transfer sick leave to the leave bank. Empoyees with fewer than 15 days of vacation leave may not transfer vacation leave to the leave bank.

28.3 Employees may not transfer personal or holiday leave to the leave bank.

28.4 Employees wishing to donate vacation or sick leave shall do so in writing on an APF. (All Purpose Form)

28.5 Employees are eligible to receive donations of vacation and/or sick leave if they:
• Have a serious illness, injury or family emergency, and have exhausted paid leave:
• Have approval for the donated leave from the Director: and
• Are ineligible for Worker's Compensation.

28.6 Employees may receive a total of 160 hours of donated leave in a 12-month period.

28.7 Once leave of an employee has been transferred to the leave bank, it may not be restored or returned to the leave donor.

28.8 Criteria for Requesting Leave - The requesting employee must be eligible to accrue sick or vacation leave to qualify as a recipient of the leave bank and seek approval in writing from the Director to utilize the leave.

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